How to Treat Dry Skin on Your Face
When the weather or other lifestyle changes cause dry skin on your face, it’s time to switch up your routine!
The good news is there are many options for how to treat dry skin on your face.
From what causes dry skin on your face to what proven changes you can make to heal it quickly, keep reading to find simple, effective ways for how you can treat dry skin on your face!
What Causes Dry Skin on Face
It’s first important to understand what may be causing dry skin on your face, some common culprits are:
A drop in temperature (and generally humidity)
Spending more time indoors, especially in heated spaces (whether heated by a HVAC unit or fire)
A change in diet to more processed foods
Harsh soaps, cleansers, or other products you are using on your face
Hot showers or baths
Some medication or medical conditions
Generally, with some changes to your lifestyle and/or product use, you can help dry skin on your face easily.
However, should you have extremely dry skin or find that simple changes are not effective, you may consider meeting with your general practitioner or dermatologist to ensure no larger underlying condition is the cause of your dry skin.
How to Know if You Need to Treat Dry Skin on Your Face
Most of the time we want to treat the dry skin on our faces simply because it is annoying or perhaps a little embarrassing!
If you are experiencing some of the common side effects of dry skin, such as flaky skin, peeling, redness, an ashy appearance, or rough skin to the touch, or itchiness or bleeding, then it’s time to treat the dry skin on your face.
Or, if your dry skin does not have these effects, but persists more than a few days, it may be time to try some of the techniques listed below to help you.
How to Treat Dry Skin on Your Face
Usually dry skin is just a sign that your skin needs more moisture, hydration, and/or humidity.
Luckily, there are many simple ways we can treat the dry skin on your face to replenish these!
1.Take warmer (less hot) showers and baths for shorter periods of time.
I know a hot shower or bath can feel so good, but have you ever noticed how tight your skin can feel afterwards? That’s because we have lost some of the natural moisture and hydration from using hot water.
Instead, try taking less hot showers or baths, for periods of under 10 minutes. This will prevent the water from drying out your skin further!
2. Try a less harsh cleanser.
Many times our skin can be sensitive to the chemicals in cleansers and reacts by drying, flaking, redness, or other symptoms.
If you have recently changed to a new cleanser, try switching to one that is less harsh or double check the ingredients to make sure you know what you are putting on your face.
If you need help with this, my Skin Genie service is available to you, we can go through your products you already use to ensure they aren’t causing any issues!
3. Pat your skin dry, instead of rubbing.
Sometimes we are a little rough with our skin, which can lead to dryness. One of the easiest ways to treat dry skin on your face is to simply pat your face dry, instead of rubbing it.
Rubbing is abrasive and can cause damage to your delicate skin, especially on your face. So next time you cleanse, simply pat dry!
4. Use a moisturizer immediately after cleansing.
I can’t stress enough how important it is to moisturize your skin. This is truly one of the keys to healthy, youthful, and refreshed skin.
To make your moisturizer even more effective, apply it immediately after you cleanse/shower. This is the time when your skin is really able to retain all it has to offer!
And if you are experiencing dry-than-normal skin for you, I always recommend Intense Moisture as a natural, quick fix. It’s not harsh, but very effective, and what I suggest you use during winter months!
5. Add moisture back into the room using a humidifier.
Sometimes it’s your environment that causes dry skin on your face. To help with that, try using a humidifier in your home.
This will add some of the moisture back into your space, so you can naturally heal your dry skin.
6. Up your water intake!
I’ve said it before, and I’ll continue saying it, your healthy, glowing skin starts from the inside out!
One of the best ways to treat dry skin on your face is to simply drink more water!
When you hydrate from the inside, your skin receives the moisture and hydration it so desperately needs. In fact, no matter what skin issue you may be experiencing, drinking more water can never hurt!
So there you have it, 6 simple ways for how you can treat dry skin on your face!
If you are looking for the absolute best first step for yourself, I highly recommend starting with drinking more water and trying Intense Moisture.
With these changes alone you should see immediate results!
To get your Intense Moisture and start seeing fresh looking skin again, simply click below!